key personnel

Martin R. Schluep

Martin joined Alliant Environmental, LLC in May 2008 and manages Alliant Environmental’s New Mexico office in the Albuquerque area. Martin has 10 years of progressively challenging experience.  During this time Martin worked with other consulting firms such as ERM Group, URS, and Kleinfelder, Inc. His air quality experience as a consultant for industrial and federal clients in New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, California, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Kansas, Ohio, and Missouri includes air permitting, annual emissions reporting, emission factor estimation, due diligence, local, state and federal regulatory compliance evaluation, air dispersion modeling of pollutants, toxic chemical release inventory (TRI) reporting, and overall project oversight as project manager responsible for overall execution of projects.

Martin has provided consulting to industries in oil and gas processing, petrochemical production, refining, chemical processing, printing, injection molding, ethanol production, mining, solid waste landfill, and coatingoperations.Several projects have required long-term on-site assignments at major petrochemical plants in Texas and included such tasks as: (1) assisting in the preparation of Title V applications preparation of Title V Deviation Reports and Annual Compliance Certifications.

In addition, he has prepared numerous New Source Review (NSR) and Nonattainment NSR permits for petrochemical plants and other industries as well.  Most recently, Martin has been involved in developing business opportunities for climate change services.  Specifically; he was working with the Oil & Gas, Utilities, and Cement industries, the New Mexico Environment Department and the City of Albuquerque Air Quality Division to develop regulations for mandatory greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting in New Mexico.  Martin has also completed the GHG Emissions Verifier Training Course offered by the California Climate Action registry (CCAR), and is actively involved in the Western Climate Initiative (WCI) stakeholder group meetings. Martin’s engineering software experience includes using EPA-approved models for calculating emissions from tanks (TANKS 4.09.d) and modeling atmospheric dispersion of pollutants (SCREEN3, ISCST-3 and AERMOD).

Martin earned his bachelor’s and master’s of science degrees in Environmental Engineering from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech) and is currently Chair of the New Mexico Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA) chapter.