
Indoor Air Quality

Our team of professionals specializes in identifying potential causes of poor indoor air quality issues for all types of industries and facilities, including manufacturing, office, and commercial building.  “Sick Building Syndrome” and building-and process-related illnesses are evolving issues.

Typical pollutants that may lead to signs and symptoms of illness include:

  • Products of combustion (CO, CO2, NOx, SOx)
  • Biological pollutants such as molds and bacteria
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde, pesticides, paints/solvents and cleaning agents
  • Heavy metals (lead, mercury, etc.)
  • Particulate matter (fine particulates, dust, etc.)

Alliant Environmental, LLC’s provides exceptional value to our clients by identifying opportunities to minimize costs and staying on top of emerging issues and future legislative trends to help position our clients to their best advantage.  Our personnel are familiar with various sampling methodologies for different potential contaminants and develop sampling and analytical plans for each project based upon clients’ needs.

Studies show that people who live in industrial nations spend more than 90 percent of their time indoors.  In addition, due to more energy efficient building, architecture and construction practices create tighter, more sealed buildings that use more recirculated air.  As a result, reports of symptoms and illnesses associated with indoor air quality increased.  The health effects of breathing polluted indoor air can range from headaches to allergies and asthma attacks, depending the degree of exposure and the individual’s overall well-being.